Lobo House Details

house image

Contact Info/Maintenance Issues:  Call VMG Vacation Rentals at (505) 372-4778 during business hours (8AM-5PM)

Emergencies:  Call (505) 604-1078 after 5PM

Internet Connection:  (we have 2.4 GHzSSID and 5G capabilities)

    - Network:  Lobohouse

    - Password:  lobohouse31

Television(s):  The televisions in the Living and Entertainment Rooms are configured with Roku, so use the Roku remote (pictured below) to operate the TVs.  If you have a subscription to a streaming service you may select that service and log in with your credentials.  The televisions will be set to Guest Mode when you arrive, so your credentials will clear on the day of check-out.

Use the Roku remote control to turn TV on and for volume adjustment.


To access local channels, go to the YouTubeTV app and select the Live button, as shown below:


Fireplace:  The fireplace at Lobo House is currently unavailable for use

Trash/Recycle Collection:  Trash/Recycle is collected Monday mornings after 6AM.  Please place bins at the curb at least 5' apart on Sunday evening.  Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance if you need. 

Housekeeping:  Housekeeping services upon check-out are arranged at time of booking; however, if you would like to schedule additional housekeeping during your stay, give us a call for an estimate.  Most of our long-term guests use this feature when staying over 30 days.

Guests:  You may have guests visit while renting this property.  However, prior approval by VMG Vacation Rental management must be obtained if someone other than those disclosed on the rental agreement are to stay overnight.  Anyone on the property is the sole responsibility of the Guest.

Quiet Hours:  Quiet hours are between 10PM and 8AM every day.   Please be aware that you share walls with neighbors.

Community Pool:   Use of the pool is not included in this arrangement.  Please do not use the pool.

Smoking:  Smoking is permitted outside only.  Please dispose of extinguished cigarettes in the ashtray/receptacle provided on the back patio.

Furniture:  For your safety, and to minimize risk of damage, please, please, please do not re-arrange furniture – especially glass tables.

Pets:  Pets are not allowed on the property.

House Plants:   There are some live and artificial plants in the house.  If you are staying for an extended period of time (>10 days) and do not wish to water the plants, please let us know, we would be happy to remove them.  If you don’t mind watering, please water the plant on the floor by the red credenza 1 cup, 1X per week.  

Checkout Instructions:   As a reminder, check-out is 10AM, unless otherwise arranged.  We ask you to kindly: